Last weekend, all the girls were bored because ayahanda was not around. So, they pestered me to bring them to see a movie.
Tengok trailer movie tu kat TV macam best. So, book ticket dan kami anak-beranak pun pi lah tengok. Mamanya pun ikut. Malu jugak sebab kot-kot jadi the eldest person in the theatre. Lagipun malas nak jalan-jalan sorang2 kat Tebrau City tu. Rupanya ada gang jugak. Selamat!
Best tau, kelakar! Tengok in 3D, sesuai for kids and adults alike -rated 4****. Member all males kat belakang we all ketawa bukan main kuat lagi.
Nice way to destress your self.
Cubalah gi tengok. Semoga terhibur and come out happy...;)